
1 RAR Association Incorporated


Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started


We must have everyone check their membership and confirm details each financial year. It keep us from accidentally sending to the wrong address to someone who may have left life's parade ground. It is also a data privacy requirement. Everyone must do it, even if you are a Life Member. 

Renew & New Member buttons at the bottom of the page.

For those more challenged in the digital space, we've got a short video to talk you through the renewal process. Click here for the video.


  • Cheques must be made out to "1RAR Association". We changed our name some time ago. No more cheques to 'The First Battalion Association', please! If you send a cheque and want a receipt, please write that on the cheque, otherwise, we will not send a receipt and save the cost to members.

  • We are now on Financial Year (FY) membership years. Subscriptions are $25 per year. 

  • Please don't deposit or send money for more than one year's subscription. If you do, we'll take it as a donation!

  • We have a significant number of Life Members, and many of them have expressed the desire to be able to donate as they acknowledge you can't run an Association with so many having got Life Membership by paying several years in advance a long time ago! Some pay more than the subscription, and the excess is taken as a donation. Feel free to donate here